by Bonnie Duff

One morning, all over the world, the sun doesn’t rise. Or the next morning. Or the next. 

Faith, folklore, and conspiracy collide when five individuals seek answers amidst a sudden new reality. In Toronto, a mother and her child grapple with the unexplainable. Some prepare for the Second Coming. One returns home to Finland’s far North, to people who have, for centuries, lived in darkness for months of the year.

What do you do when the world keeps spinning on… even after what feels like the end?

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

October 17th-27th

OCT 17th - 5:00PM

OCT 19th - 2:30PM

OCT 21st - 7:15PM

OCT 23rd - 5:00PM

OCT 25th - 7:30PM

OCT 27th - 4:30PM

Directed by Michelle Blight

Featuring: Jamine Case, Bonnie Duff, Tara Koehler, Cameron Laurie, Landon Nesbitt

Stage Management: Sabrina Weinstein

Lighting Design: Mathilda Kane

Sound Design & Composition: Jake Schindler

Production Design: Meredith Wolting

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts